Prospectus for issuance of securities in the capital market should be vetted and approved by CMDA prior to its publication.
It should be prepared in accordance with the following regulations:
  1. Regulation on Issuance of Securities and
  2. Regulation on Shariah Screening of equity securities (if issuing Islamic equity securities) or
  3. Regulation on Issuance of Sukuk Securities (if issuing Sukuks or Islamic Bonds).

Prospectus Registration Process

Prospectus and the supporting documents along with the audited financials should be emailed to
Upon completion of the vetting process, CMDA will advise the issuer to submit a copy of the prospectus for filing and will issue a prospectus approval letter.


Prospectus vetting fee should be paid upon completion of the vetting process when invoiced by CMDA – Fees

Further Information

For further clarifications, contact our Legal & Regulation Department on 3014115 / 3014108 or email to